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988 Therapy Tools and Resources & Informed Consent pg. 2

Useful tools for call takers at 988 to share with callers, including vision board / life planner templates, and with useful therapist-to-client resources.


Vision Board / Life Planner Example (can help individuals organize immediate and long-term life goals) -


Therapy Worksheets, Tools, and Handouts | Therapist Aid -​


Therapist Aid "Goals" -

Therapist Aid 5-year Goal sheet -

Therapist Aid Weekly Goal Planner -

Therapist Aid Life Goals Worksheet -

Vision Board Timeline Example -



Spencer Norton Subega - Informed Consent​​​​





Informed Consent






Telehealth Informed Consent






Age-Based Mandated Reporting Criteria for Sexual Relationships in California

Screenshot (17).png

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Telling a Secret
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